Forthcoming master’s thesis

Every society needs leaders. The better they are, the greater the general well-being of society and the country. When planning my master’s thesis I took as my starting points the GLOBE study Culture, Leadership, and Organizations (House, 2004), the study 11 Essential Traits of Great Managers (Culture Amp, n.d.), McClelland’s theory of achievement motivation (1978), ancient views of the principles of successful government (Professor Zore’s lectures, autumn 2023; Marcus Aurelius, 2002), the concepts of happiness (Wright, 2004), resilience (Sutcliffe and Vogus, 2003), vitality (Cameron, Dutton and Quinn, 2003), enthusiasm, theories of power (Voyer and McIntosh, 2013; Martí et al., 2009), charisma (House, 2004) and the pros and cons of narcissism in leaders (Maccoby, 2017). For the concepts I am researching, I have defined success, power, social and emotional intelligence (Butler and Chinowsky, 2006; Kerr et al., 2006, Kumar and Vivek, 2014), intuition (Hallo and Nguyen, 2021), the origins of motivation (Vidic and Burton, 2011; Barbuto, 2005), time and energy management, charisma, vision, values, attitude to mistakes (Gruden, 2024), the victims of the 1% at the top, the importance of ethical leadership, the fleeting nature of power, position and status and the fear of losing these, the dangers of becoming a victim of one’s own ego and the illusion of ruling the world or overestimating oneself, networking, the isolation of leaders (Mann, 1959), the psychological pressures of life at the top, self-confidence, authenticity (Avolio and Gardner, 2005), self-care and mindfulness and emotional regulation in business and life (Kumar et al., 2014).

I am preparing my thesis under the supervision of Dr Boštjan Bajec and the co-supervision of Sašo Dimitrievski. Its title is The psychological principles of exceptional success in Slovenian business and politics. My aims are to identify and research the key elements of the psyche of “winners” – people who tend to achieve their goals and plans in this world – and to present, through qualitative analysis, in-depth insights into the psyche of successful individuals in the business and political environment in Slovenia while identifying shared traits and differences among individuals, within groups and among groups. I would like to extend my particular gratitude for their support and collaboration in this research to Blaž Brodnjak, Aleksander Mervar, Tibor Šimonka, Dušan Mes, Jože Mermal, Ivan Simič, Rok Snežič, Janez Škrabec, Zoran Janković, Gregor Golobič, Milan Kučan, Saša Arsenovič, Alenka Bratušek, Katarina Kresal, Stojan Petrič, Iztok Seljak and other Slovenian entrepreneurs, politicians and CEOs who have preferred to remain anonymous. I was interested above all in how members of Slovenia’s business and political class understand the concepts mentioned above, what has made a significant contribution to their success, and in the absence of which psychological factors would it have been impossible, in their subjective judgment, to achieve success. I wished to identify in three groups of interviewees – politicians, CEOs and business owners – the heterogeneous and universal characteristics that, in their opinion, determined (or predetermined) their breakthrough in the Slovenian business and political environment and their ability to remain at the top.



Aurelius, M. (2002). The Meditations. Random House.

Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L. (2005). Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. The leadership quarterly, 16 (3), 315–338.

Barbuto, J. E. (2005). Motivation and Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Leadership: A Test of Antecedents. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 11 (4), 26–40.

Butler, C. J., Chinowsky, P. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and leadership behavior in construction executives. Journal of management in engineering, 22 (3), 119–125.

Cameron, K. S., Dutton, J. E., Quinn, R. E. (2003). An introduction to positive organizational scholarship. Positive organizational scholarship, 3 (13), 2–21.

Collins, James C. (2009). How the mighty fall: and why some companies never give in. New York, Jim Collins: Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by HarperCollins Publishers.

Culture Amp. (n. d.). 11 Essential Traits of Great Managers.

Gruden, L. (2024). The Bitter Path Towards 1%. Interno gradivo Pristop Group – še v recenziji.

Hallo, L., Nguyen, T. (2022). Holistic View of Intuition and Analysis in Leadership Decision-Making and Problem-Solving. Administrative Sciences, 12 (1): 4.

House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., Gupta, V. (ur.) (2004). Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Sage publications.

Kerr, R., Garvin, J., Heaton, N., Boyle, E. (2006). Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27 (4), 265–279.

Kumar, S., Vivek, S., Chauhan, A. (2014). Managing Self for Leadership. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, jul.–sept. 2014, 39 (3), 138–142. | DOI: 10.4103/0970-0218.137148.

Maccoby, M. (2017). Narcissistic leaders: The incredible pros, the inevitable cons. Leadership perspectives. Routledge. 31–39.

Mann, F. C. (1965). Toward an understanding of the leadership role in formal organizations. Leadership and productivity, 68–103.

Martí, M., Gil, F., Barrasa, A. (2009). Organizational Leadership: Motives and Behaviors of Leaders in Current Organizations. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 12 (1), 267–274. doi:10.1017/S1138741600001670.

McClelland, D. C. (1978). Managing motivation to expand human freedom. American Psychologist, 33 (3), 201–210.

Sutcliffe, K. M., Vogus, T. J. (2003). Organizing for Resilience. V: K. S. Cameron, J. E. Duton in R. E. Quinn (ur.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler. 94–110.

Vidic, Z., Burton, D. (2011). Developing Effective Leaders: Motivational Correlates of Leadership Styles. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23 (3), 277–291.

Voyer, B., McIntosh, B.(2013). The psychological consequences of power on self-perception: implications for leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34 (7), 639–660.

Wright, T. A. (2004). The role of “happiness” in organizational research: past, present and future directions. Perrewe, P. L., Ganster, D. C. (ur.), Exploring Interpersonal Dynamics (Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being, Vol. 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds. 221–264.